Category: Cape Town

How To Safely Experience Free Diving in Cape Town

Why would people torture themselves and test their bodies how far they can go diving into the deep blue sea? Why not strap a scuba tank and go as far as they want to delve the secrets of the ocean? You might have similar questions when you see people free diving, or you might just want to experience it yourself.

Free diving or apnea, is an exercise of breath where a diver submerges into a body of water on a single breath of air. Historically, free diving has been ongoing for millennia, either to gather food and other resources like sponges, corals, and pearls. Nowadays, contemporary freediving is also considered as competitive athletic watersports.

When learning to free dive, it is important to understand the inherent risk involved and get to dive safely with a professional instructor and to never, ever decide to free dive on your own. Below are some safety tips for you while learning freediving.

-Select your partner. The most important rule in your freediving adventure is never to do it alone. Next is not to dive at the same time as the other diver. Your partner will faithfully watch the jump line for the free diver who must follow the line at all times.

-Never free dive when you just finished scuba diving. You are at a higher risk of nitrogen depletion in your tissues after a scuba dive. It may lead to decompression sickness when you decide to subsequently ascent during an ensuing free dive. Wait for at least twelve hours before you schedule your next freediving activity.

-Check your weight. Always check the weight of your diving suits if you are correctly weighted. A good rule of thumb is to attain natural buoyancy at fifteen meters.

-Do not “ride” your eardrum’s flexibility. Equalize in your descent about every three meters only. Also, never force your equalization. If a failed attempt happens, never force it. Aborting the dive may be your next safe step.

-Estimate sea conditions before diving. Make a complete dive plan. Every diver in a particular dive line should know what the other divers are doing, warm-ups, deep dives, etc. Know who is doing safety for whom and at what time. In the event of emergencies, plan what you are going to do. Sea conditions, water visibility, temperature, distance, current, and swell are some other factors to consider.

Cape Town, South Africa is regarded as the top freediving location for recreational activities globally. Whether you are a beginner or a pro at doing free dives, you will enjoy the mesmerizing experience in your diving expeditions in Cape Town’s two oceans, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Seeing firsthand the underwater kelp forest, enormous granite boulders, an array of underwater caves and caverns, even freediving with hundreds of seals eyeing your flippers.

There are many options for you when you decide to experience free diving in Cape Town. But make sure to complete the courses first if you are a beginner and let your instructor determine if you are now ready to see the beauty of the ocean through freediving.

The Joys Of SUP Paddling in Cape Town

Thinking about SUP paddling in Cape Town? Well, you are in the right place then!

SUP paddling is all about making sure you are getting into the water and learning from experts who have been able to help many others experience what takes place.

Set things up and know you will have the time of your life as soon as you enter the water with the expert. You will adore the experience and how it creates magical moments for you and your loved ones.

Here is more on SUP paddling in the region for those who want to have a great time.


When you come in, you will be able to find SUP rentals that are going to ensure you have everything you need to get started. This is key for those who want to make sure they are on the right path and wish to have a lot of fun with what they are doing.

If you wish to make the most of the rentals you have in front of you, this will be a great starting point.

The rentals are affordable, fair, and fun for those who are getting started for the first time in Cape Town.

Beautiful Location

It starts and ends with the location because Cape Town is one of those places that is going to blow you away due to its picturesque nature.

Even for those who reside in the region, it is one of those things that continues to give back.

It is an incredible experience and one that is going to become even better in such a magical place.

Cape Town has a lot to offer, and it has, even more, to provide in the water when you are SUP paddling around after learning how to make the most of your time.

SUP Lessons

What about learning how to paddle before you get started in the water?

Will you be able to learn or will you have to teach yourself how to make things better?

You will not have to teach yourself! Try SUP Lessons.

You will learn from experts who are going to tell you what to do every step of the way, and that is what matters with SUP paddling.

You will be able to learn everything that has to be considered while you are jumping into the water and that is going to win you over as soon as you get started.

Take these lessons and know you’ll learn a lot.


The one thing that is a given with this experience is how fun it is going to be when you get started, and that is what matters most.

Those who are looking to have a very good time are going to put this at the top of the list.

You are going to have a great time SUP paddling, and that is what matters when you are heading to the region and looking to get into the water as much as possible.

The beauty of Cape Town starts to come out more and more when you head down this path.

Cape Town is magnificent, and you are going to realize this as soon as you head into the beautiful weather for the first time. SUP paddling is one of those things that you are going to enjoy for a long time to come, and you will know it is the real deal.

Those who are serious about having a wonderful time in Cape Town have to put SUP paddling on their list as soon as they get the chance because it doesn’t get better than this!

You are going to have a very good time.